Awesome original animation and game idea Butzbo!
Awesome original animation and game idea Butzbo!
Great, challenging puzzle game thanks (keep creating!)!
Great. challenging, twin game haha fuuun!
Great fun game thanks!
Spilling security guts fun-o-ramma thanks Tom, Dan, and FDA for the epic memories woot!
Whoa Butzbo pal, what a groovy, adventure dino ride (awesome characters, backgrounds, swaying plant-life, and more). Me now growing more curious about Construct's Mac touch haha.
Quack-quack (duck chatter for fun, originality, great characters, and challenges). Thanks Butzbo, and keep 'em coming dude (now, if I could only figure how to draw and animate in Contruct3 hah; back to as2/as3 meanwhile).
Thanks, glad you liked them! I've found Construct to be 'friendly' enough for a start so I'd give it a try (although on the visual side, I still do all of my assets in Flash, and then export them to Construct, it's been working alright as a workflow)
Nice, short nightmare kinda game (more monster variety, levels, and challenges always better; but good Construct game try thanks)
Thank you for your review.
Did you play the game till the end?
Ridiculous side-scrolling fun!
Groovy, retro dungeon crawler thanks 'n keep 'em coming!
Weight-lifter, veggie fer mooing life and an artist fer an epic, fun' eternity (aw crap whatta mooing mess haha).
Kooky is just right
Mississauga, Canada
Joined on 5/6/09